Let’s talk about...

This is a very controversial topic...why? Because today’s society is so sexually wired.
It’s true- take a look at the media especially. What do they always want? What sells? Sex appeal.

When it comes to actual life and the values we want our children to see and uphold- this is not the message we want to be sending. How can we teach them proper values when everything around them is telling them the opposite? Society lives by what feels good and to experiment. This lifestyle is not one that I want to encourage my children to live by because there are real life consequences for our actions.

Marriage is a sacred promise to love and cherish your spouse with complete fidelity. This especially includes sexual intimacy. It is an experience that should be shared between husband and wife in a setting that brings them closer together. It is not a recreational activity that should be treated lightly outside the bounds of marriage. Children have the right to be born to complete families where they can learn and grow from the example of their parents.

It cannot be overlooked that every family has different circumstances and different struggles. I am not  trying to paint a glossy picture of life. I am trying to convey the importance of abstinence till marriage and complete fidelity within the marriage. I am trying to explain the importance of choosing to live by standards that encourage a wholesome family atmosphere. Choices from a young age that will promote a healthy and successful future for you, your spouse, and your future children.

It is important to teach the youth how to make recreational choices that will allow for fun, but not impact their future. Teen pregnancy because of improper decisions of  “it feels good” or  “experimenting with sexuality” is preventable when parents are open with their children about sex and the implications of waiting till marriage. Teach your children the benefits of  sexual intimacy within marriage and the sacred bond that is created between spouses.

Sex is not bad. Sex is important to the plan of life, it is important to marriage. Teaching this to children (age appropriately) is important so they understand that when they are presented with temptations, they remember the decisions they have already made. You can’t protect them from everything, but you can certainly equip them with the knowledge to avoid reckless moments that impact their future.


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