Intentional Dating

Dating should be intentional. Have you ever heard of the RAM? No, not Dodge Ram Trucks or the animal, but the Relationship Attachment Model.

Dr. John Van Epp talks about it in his book, “How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk.” Basically, it is a set of five categories- Know, Trust, Rely, Commit, Touch- that should be carefully balanced so the relationship/dating attachments are the strongest. Often when people date it is simply because they are attracted to someone, but they don’t think about the deeper reasons until they have entered a relationship. This is dangerous because it leaves a lot of room to get hurt. If you use the RAM in your personal relationships, then they are more likely to become stronger and successful. There is a lot of research behind this, but even if you think about the scale logically it makes a lot of sense.

Let me explain.

The key to balance on this scale is not an even score across the board, but rather a descending arrow. You want “know” to be the highest category when dating and “touch” to the lowest. It makes a lot of sense that you would want to really know a person before you engage in physical contact, doesn’t it? We have all seen the effects of a relationship that is purely based on physical touch and attraction- it doesn’t last very long because there is nothing to sustain it when things get difficult. It is important that you get to know and build a trusting relationship before any of the other categories because it forms a foundation to build off of. You know the person you are getting involved with and can work through life in a mutual respectful manner- especially when trials come your way.

So, my advice would be to make your dating intentional- choose someone who has similarities to you and you know you can trust. Date with intention- not just physical attraction. While that is very important, so are personality and mentality. Mutual disclosure is very important. Make sure both of you are sharing your hopes, dreams, and fears. Both parties should be given the chance to express their feelings and to be listened to. This is important for that “know” foundation. Often, after talking for a long time we feel like we know someone, but make sure to take a step back and evaluate how much the other person has said. Have they gotten the chance to express themselves?

Just a few remaining dating tips:

  • ·         How do you know whether someone has asked you on a date? Remember the three P’s: Planned, Paired Off, and Paid For.
  • ·         How long should it take for me to feel like I know someone? At least 3 months…
  • ·         Remember the way you date now because it will determine how the relationship goes later. Make sure you are developing healthy habits.
  • ·         Be open with your date and don’t be afraid to tell them how you are feeling- good AND bad. Just remember to do so respectfully.


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