Fathers and Finances

In a world where marriage is not valued as it used to be, I can understand why this topic might be highly controversial. The opinion that I have on family finances goes against what most of society believes today. I believe that fathers should be the primary provider of family finances. 

Simmer down now.

There are exceptions to every situation and I know this does not apply to everybody. In an ideal family situation where a mother and father are leading the home, I believe their roles are divinely appointed. Mothers are gifted with a natural ability to nurture and raise children. This does not mean that they are weak or confined to the home in any way. This is the purpose for which we, as females, were designed…literally. As females, our bodies bring children into the world after carrying them for nine months resulting in an indescribable bond. I believe that education is so important and women should most definitely have the opportunity to pursue their dreams. My opinion is that family- children- should come first and foremost though. 

Fathers are divinely appointed to preside, provide, and protect. Part of their responsibility in providing is being the primary provider of finances. This does not mean they should control the finances or limit the access their spouse has, but to include their family as they earn the necessary means to live comfortably. Life is hard and prevents this at times, but as spouses work together equally and with the Lord, each situation will be remedied. 

This supports the ideas of budgeting, planning, and executing careful decisions when determining what is best for the family. It has been said that the four most caring words (after the three most caring- “I love you”) are “We can’t afford it.” Learning to live within one’s means avoids unnecessary debt and , in turn, unnecessary stress on the marriage and family relationships. 

Fathers and mothers have such important roles in the lives of their children and exemplifying and following through on their divinely appointed roles will improve the family relationship.


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