Gender And The Family
What impact does gender have on the family? What do our roles have to do with who we are and how we function as a unit? I think it’s interesting to compare traditional values with today’s societal beliefs. Right off the bat, I want to clarify that these are my beliefs. If you do not agree, that is okay and you have every right to do so. Everyone has different life experiences, so your views may vary. I believe that the best marriages are those between a husband and wife that are committed to each other. They are also committed to their children and helping them develop into mature males and females. I think the roles of the members of the family are greatly influenced by gender. Fathers and Sons; Mothers and Daughters are “mini-me” relationships. The examples and influences of parents to their children is imperative to helping them maintain emotional and physical intelligence. Having a role model to look up to- mothers who are nurturing and guiding; fathers who preside a...