A little bit of everything...
Life is a funny thing. Do you ever just pause and reflect over your life experiences? Lost in thought about how the outcomes affected who you are and what you believe...where would I be if this scenario was any different? What kind of person would I have become if this didn't happen? If I had made a different choice, would that relationship still be the way it is? There are millions of possible choices that we have to make everyday- specifically in terms of relationships. Whether you realize the impact you have on others or not, humans are social creatures. We thrive on the interaction that comes from our fellow beings. It can drive us insane trying to figure out what others think of us, how we want to come across, how to relay our intended message, etc. Let alone trying to figure out ourselves and where our beliefs stem from on top of everything. I am taking marriage, family relations, AND parenting classes right now. I'm no expert, but I hope that by sharing t...